Thursday, October 21, 2010


You no longer complain about the toilet seat being left up because your depends work fine.

You get excited when the kids start learning grammar at school knowing, you’ll soon have extra help editing.

Your husband’s having an affair with his secretary at work which allows you one less thing you have to worry about when you crawl into bed on Saturday night.

The rings of coffee stains on your work desk are smaller than the ones under your eyes.

You pretend to your partner when you crawl into bed at 6am in the morning that you're actually just waking up to go for work.

You start handing your family rejection slips when they complain that they’ve run out of toilet paper again.

Your partner thinks your nuts because you get so excited about trimming your word count down to 85k because he lived with you when you where so excited about having your word count climb above 100k.

You buy a mini computer and pretend you have the runs so those long bathroom breaks at work are truly meaningful.

You ask your partner if he’s seen your daughter lately and he says yes at her wedding last week.

You had promised your partner that you wouldn’t get out of bed at five am in the morning to try to fit in an hour of writing before work and you smile typing with a yawn as the time on your computer is 4.58 am, thus realizing in a weird way you’ve kept your promise.

You start liking your mother-in-law because she wants to be a beta reader.

You have your must do to survive list down to four items and, you're having trouble deciding which one you can cut out.
shop for food and feed family
wash clothes
clean house
take shower

You have your must do to survive list down to three items, and you're having trouble deciding which one you can cut out.
shop for food and feed family
wash clothes
clean house

The words on the baby diapers saying good for up to 24 pounds take on a whole new meaning for you.